Hungry for Your Love: An Anthology of Zombie Romance

Hungry for Your Love: An Anthology of Zombie Romance - Lori Perkins, Brian Keene, Elizabeth Coldwell, Jan Kozlowski, Regina Riley, Vanessa Vaughn, Mercy Loomis, Kilt Kilpatrick, Jeremy Wagner, Steven Saus, Jeanine McAdam, S.M. Cross, Gina McQueen, Stacey Graham, Raven Hart, Lois H. Gresh, Isabel Roman, Stacy Brown, Francesca L I know I will take alot of flack for this review but I'm just not a YA genre fan I guess. This book felt like Twilight without the vampires and werewolves and Fifty Shades without all the money. The entire time I was reading this book all I could think was "ya right". This book was so farfetched that I wished that there was a few vampires in it to remind me that it's all pretend. I didn't find the beautiful in this book but I did find the disaster....sorry.